Archive-name: dogs-faq/breeds/ridgebacks Posting-frequency: 30 days Last-modified: 02 Feb 1995 This is a regularly posted faq and appears every thirty days in rec.pets.dogs and news.answers. The latest version of this file is a hypertext document available via the Web at The most recently posted ASCII version of this file is available via anonymous ftp to in the directory pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/breeds It is also available via email: check the weekly posting Cindy Tittle Moore ( puts out entitled "Complete List of rec.pets.dogs FAQs" for details. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACKS _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents * Characteristics and Temperament * Frequently Asked Questions * Description (Official Standard) * Recognized * History * Special Medical Problems * References + Books + Publications + Email list for owners + Breed Rescue Organizations + Breeders + Breed Clubs * Selected Other WWW Links of Interest * Sources and Authors of This Document _________________________________________________________________ Characteristics and Temperament The Rhodesian Ridgeback, sometimes referred to as the African Lion Hound, is a native of South Africa. Ridgebacks are sturdy, low-maintenance, short-haired dogs, bred by Boer farmers for two purposes: hunting lions and staying home with the family while other members of the household were out hunting or farming. The breed is a very good people dog, bonding well to a family if introduced into the family in the first 4-5 years of the dog's life. Ridgebacks are usually quite gentle with their family and with people their masters introduce to them but are great watchdogs if people they don't know appear or sounds they don't understand occur around their home. Ridgebacks are very smart, responsive, and trainable. They can easily master the basics of good canine citizenship: down, stay, come, no jump, quiet. They are, like many hounds, independent thinkers. This means that they are not traditionally seen competing for advanced obedience titles (though some Ridgebacks each year DO get their UD titles). Because they are large and intelligent, some obedience training is necessary to keep them under control and avoid their becoming a nuisance. _________________________________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions How is the Ridgeback around children? Other pets? As a watchdog? The Ridgeback is an extremely tolerant, excellent companion for children, able to amiably withstand a great deal of abuse from even the smallest of toddlers. However, no child should be left unsupervised around any dog, as either may hurt the other, even unintentionally. And due to its large size, younger and more excitable Ridgebacks may knock smaller children over by accident. The Ridgeback is a gregarious animal, enjoying the company of other dogs. Beware of having several male dogs -- this can lead to dominance struggles (as is true with several males of many breeds). They can be good with cats if brought up with them, but fiercely effective in defending their territory from stray dogs and cats. The Ridgeback is an excellent natural watchdog and family protector, requiring only that the owner has control over it. Are they noisy? Do they have any bad habits? Ridgebacks tend to bark only when there is something worthwhile to bark at (unless one has fallen into bad habits out of boredom). They are very athletic, easily able to clear high fences unless the owner has taken proper precautions to see that this does not occur. Proficient swimmers, they can be an annoyance if the owner does not want them in the pool! They are not usually nuisance diggers, but can create large pits to escape summer heat if left out of doors. A Ridgeback can become a roamer out of boredom, often falling victim to automobiles, so it is important to have a properly fenced yard. Is the Ridgeback a good house-dog? The Ridgeback is an extremely clean dog with little odor, and minimal shedding due to the short coat. In general, a Ridgeback kept indoors sheds a little all year round, whereas an outside one will experience seasonal shedding. They do not drool, except in anticipation of food. They are generally easy to housetrain. They will take over the furniture unless their owners discourage this habit from puppyhood. A happily wagging tail will easily clear off low coffee tables. Are there any special feeding problems? Most Ridgebacks would have to be dead before refusing to eat! They can drool quite a bit when their food is being prepared. They will inhale their food enthusiastically. Consequently, Ridgeback owners need to monitor their dogs' weight and cut back to prevent obesity. Sometimes a good cupboard lock is needed to keep a clever dog from helping itself. How much exercise does a Ridgeback need? Like any medium-large dog, Ridgebacks need exercise--a daily romp in the back yard or park and a couple of longer trips to the park per week should be sufficient. More would be better, but Ridgebacks do adapt to their people. Are they energetic or hyper? A young Ridgeback is a very energetic fellow. But as Ridgebacks mature, most of them become much more laid back. One author calls them the "kings of dozing." Some say that a mature Ridgeback is happiest when either running flat out across a field or flat out asleep at your feet. In general, they mature into lovely calm dogs that do well when raised with children and other pets. Where does that ridge on their back come from? The Rhodesian Ridgeback's ancestry includes a dog native to Southern Africa--a tribal dog, a companion and a hunter, with a ridge of hair growing backwards down its back. European settlers admired the hunting ability and temperament of the native dogs and bred them with the dogs they had imported from Europe and North African colonies. They found that the "cross-breeds" that had the ridge had the most desirable hunting ability and temperaments and began to breed specifically for the ridge. And thus the breed was born. Were they really used to hunt lions? Yes, when the breed was imported to Rhodesia, the big game hunters of the time found them to be excellent hunters and used them to hunt lions. They are the only breed of dog that can keep a lion at bay for the hunter to kill, and live. Are they good for general hunting? Yes. The Ridgeback has been used successfully in hunting bobcat, mountain lion, bear, coyote, deer, wild boar and raccoon in the US, Canada, and Mexico. There have also been reports of Ridgebacks having been train to point upland game and retrieve game and fowl, but their true talent lies in cornering the prey for the hunter to finish off. _________________________________________________________________ Description OFFICIAL STANDARD FOR THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active dog, symmetrical and balanced in outline. A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed. Of even, dignified temperament, the Ridgeback is devoted and affectionate to his master, reserved with strangers. The peculiarity of this breed is the ridge on the back. The ridge must be regarded as the characteristic feature of the breed. SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE A mature Ridgeback should be symmetrical in outline, slightly longer than tall but well balanced. Dogs - 25 to 27 inches in height; Bitches - 24 to 26 inches in height. Desirable weight: Dogs - 85 pounds; Bitches - 70 pounds. HEAD Should be of fair length, the skull flat and rather broad between the ears and should be free from wrinkles when in repose. The stop should be reasonable well defined. EYES Should be moderately well apart and should be round, bright and sparkling with intelligent expression, their color harmonizing with the color of the dog. MUZZLE Should be long, deep and powerful. The lips clean, closely fitting the jaws. NOSE Should be black, brown of liver, in keeping with the color of the dog. No other colored nose is permissible. A black nose should be accompanied by dark eyes, a brown or liver nose with amber eyes. BITE Jaws level and strong with well-developed teeth, especially the canines or holders. Scissors bite preferred. NECK, TOPLINE, BODY The neck should be fairly strong and free from throatiness. The chest should not be too wide, but very deep and capacious, ribs moderately well sprung, never rounded like barrel hoops (which would indicate want of speed). The back is powerful and firm with strong loins which are muscular and slightly arched. The tail should be strong at the insertion and generally tapering towards the end, free from coarseness. It should not be inserted too high or too low and should be carried with a slight curve upwards, never curled or gay. FOREQUARTERS The shoulders should be sloping, clean and muscular, denoting speed. Elbows close to the body. The forelegs should be perfectly straight, strong, and heavy in bone. The feet should be compact with well-arched toes, round, tough, elastic pads, protected by hair between the toes and pads. Dewclaws may be removed. HINDQUARTERS In the hind legs, the muscles should be clean, well defined and hocks well down. Feet as in front. COAT Should be short and dense, sleek and glossy in appearance but neither wooly nor silky. COLOR Light wheaten to red wheaten. A little white on the chest and toes permissible but excessive white there, on the belly or above the toes is undesirable. RIDGE The hallmark of this breed is the ridge on the back which is formed by the hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. The ridge must be regarded as the characteristic feature of the breed. The ridge should be clearly defined, tapering and symmetrical. It should start immediately behind the shoulders and continue to a point between the prominence of the hips and should contain two identical crowns (whorls) directly opposite each other. The lower edge of the crowns (whorls) should not extend further down the ridge than one third of the ridge. GAIT At the trot, the back is held level and the stride is efficient, long, free and unrestricted. Reach and drive expressing a perfect balance between power and elegance. At the chase, the Ridgeback demonstrates great coursing ability and endurance. TEMPERAMENT Dignified and even tempered. Reserved with strangers. SCALE OF POINTS General appearance, size, symmetry and balance 20 Ridge 20 Head 15 Legs and Feet 15 Neck and Shoulders 10 Body, Back, Chest, and Loin 10 Coat and Color 5 Tail 5 TOTAL 100 Disqualification: Ridgelessness Approved by The American Kennel Club and effective September 30, 1992 Recognized by American Kennel Club Canadian Kennel Club FCI Kennel Club of Great Britain Kennel Union of Southern Africa _________________________________________________________________ History The Dutch, German, and Hugenout people who emigrated to South Africa in the 16th and 17th centuries brought with them Danes, Mastiffs, Greyhounds, Bloodhounds, Terriers, and other breeds. Then, in 1707, European immigration to South Africa was closed for a hundred years. The native Hottentots had a hunting dog that was half wild with a ridge on the back formed by the hair growing forward. The only other known dog which has such a ridge is found on the island of Phu Quoc in the Gulf of Siam. It is unclear whether ridged dogs appeared spontaneously in two parts of the world or if they first appeared in Africa and then, through commerce, moved with humans to Asia. Interbreeding between these dogs and those of the settlers eventually established the foundation stock for the present day Ridgeback. The abilities the farmers were looking for in their dogs included: flushing a few partridge, pulling down a wounded buck, and guarding the farm from maurading animals and prowlers at night. They needed to be shorthaired to withstand ticks, able to go 24 hours without water, and hold up under the dramatic day-night temperatures on the veldt. In 1877, Reverend Charles Helm introduced two Ridgebacks into Rhodesia where the big game hunters found them outstanding in the sport of hunting lions on horseback. They raised and bred these dogs with an appreciation of their exceptional hunting qualities. In 1922, a group of Rhodesian breeders set up a standard for the Ridgebacks that has remained virtually unchanged since. No one knows when the Ridgeback was first brought into the United States. A few were imported prior to 1940, possibly as early as 1912. However, after World War II, quite a large number were imported, not only into the US, but also into England and Canada. The Ridgeback was admitted into AKC registry in 1955. _________________________________________________________________ Special Medical Problems HIP DYSPLASIA Ridgebacks can come down with hip dysplasia. As in many breeds, serious efforts are under way to eliminate the problem. The most common tool is by rigorously certifying breeding stock by OFA, Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Good statistics are hard to find, but according to some, there are fewer cases than Saint Bernards and many giant breeds as well as medium sized breeds such as Golden Retrievers and German Shepards. This is partly because of the relative rarity of the breed. You should make sure that both dam and sire of your prospective puppy have their OFA certification. DERMOID SINUS This condition occurs when the skin is not completely closed along the dog's spine. While hard to detect at puppyhood, it can be done by those experienced in the breed. If dormant, this condition causes no problems and the dog can lead a normal life. Unfortunately these sinuses or cysts don't often remain dormant. They become inflammed and infected. The surgery to correct the sinus is expensive, painful and frequently not successful. Most breeders euthanize puppies with demoids as soon as they are detected. This condition is fairly rare. RIDGELESSNESS Another genetic fault. Some Rhodesian Ridgebacks are born without ridges. Again, most breeders euthanize these puppies, a subject of some controversy. There is no such thing as a ridge developing later in life, so do not believe the breeder that tells you the ridge will "come in later." If you buy such a puppy, you should expect a lower price and a spay/neuter contract. _________________________________________________________________ References BOOKS Guide to the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Published by the RRC of Great Britain. Hardback. 8 pounds sterling should insure air mail, to RRC of Great Britain, Miss P. Barber, 22 Queensway, Old Dalby, Melthon Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 3QH, England. Rhodesian Ridgeback Champions, 1955-1980 and/or Rhodesian Ridgeback Champions, 1981-1988. Paperback. $46.50 both or $31 for first, $26 for second, CA residents add 6% tax). Camino E.E.&B. Co., PO Box 510, Camino, CA 95709. Carlson, Stig G. The Rhodesian Ridgeback (A Close Encounter of the Personal Kind). $15 USD pp. Paperback. Stig Carlson, Tallstigen 8, 181 62 Lidingo, Sweden (book is in English). Hawley, T.C. The Rhodesian Ridgeback, The Origin, History & Standard. Hardback. $20 plus postage. Check or money order payable to Natalie D. Carlton, 5630 N. Abington Road, Tucson, AZ 85743. Helgesen, David H. The Definitive Rhodesian Ridgeback. 2nd edition, paperback. DH Helgesen, Box 141, Pitts Meadows, Brisish Columbia V341AO, Canada. $30 USD pp. Murray, J.N. The Rhodesian Ridgeback 1924 to 1974. Hardback. Available from the author, 5 Melbourne Road, YEA, Victoria 3717, Australia. Write for cost and postage. Nicholson, Peter and Janet Parker. The Complete Rhodesian Ridgeback. Howell Book House. ISBN 0-87605-295-2. 1991. Woodrow, Ann. Rhodesian Ridgeback. Paperback. 11 pounds sterling, air mail. Mrs. J.G. Woodgrow, Crookswood Std Farm, Horsleys Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 3XB, England. PUBLICATIONS The RRCUS Annual of Champions (a club sanctioned publication). Years 1965 to 1988 available from Joe Berher, 12564 Huston St., North Hollywood, CA 91607. Write for availability and prices. For 1989 to present, contact Cherie Starr, 2008 Dorothy NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. The Ridgeback: Bi-monthly official publication of the RRCUS. Available only with membership. Pamphlets and RRCUS membership applications are available from the Assistant to the RRCUS Corresponding Secretary (Ms. Edna Gilbert, Box 155, Collingswood, NJ, 08108). Send $2.00 to receive the following: * Breeder Directory including Code of Ethics * 10 page information packet including + History of the Breed + Dermoid Sinus + Frequently Asked Questions + Puppy buying tips + Standard of the Breed An Illustrated Elaboration of the New Standard will be available in the near future for an additional cost of $2.00, also from the Assistant to the Corresponding Secretary. Rhodesian Ridgeback Quarterly (an independent publication). Four issues per year. $28 annually in US, add $4 outside US). RRQ, 4401 Zephyr St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-3299. EMAIL LIST FOR OWNERS There is an email list for owners, future owners, former owners, and other fanciers of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. This list is maintained by Richard Gordon and it was created in September of 1994. To join, send email to with subscribe your-name email-address in the body of the message. Substitute your name for your-name, e.g. Jane Doe. Substitute your email address for email-address, e.g. As of January 1995, there are over 100 subscribers to this mailing list. BREED RESCUE ORGANIZATIONS Your best bet is to contact the local or regional breed club in your area. Herewith are the rescue/adoption contacts for the regional Rhodesian Ridgeback Clubs in the United States, as listed in the most recent RRCUS Breeder Directory: * Greater Valley Forge RRC (PA, MD, NJ, DE): Richard Gordon (302) 996-6480 or * Midwest RRC (WI, IL): Judy Rochon (608) 221-0878. * New England RRC (CT, RI, MA, ME, NH, VT): Natalie Bandeian-Zoll (203) 389-8676. * Northwest RRC (WA, OR): Shirley Wait (206) 335-3232. * Orange Coast RRC (Southern CA): Sandra Abney (909) 780-7080, Jacque Rex (909) 381-3064, Barbara Rupert (714) 532-5559. * Raisin River RRC (MI): Lina Gonterman (313) 553-7443. * RRA of Western New York (NY): Kelly Byers (716) 692-6982. * RRC of Texas and Trinity Valley RRC of Texas: Tami Satterfield (817) 485-9465. * Rocky Mountain Ridgebacks (CO, WY, UT) Patty Olney (719) 593-0777. * San Diego RRC (CA): Dana Steadley (619) 749-6358, Renee Woods (619) 945-1080. For further information about Ridgeback Rescue, contact Dana Jefferson, Ph. D., National Rescue Chair (302) 996-6480, or write to Ms. Edna Gilbert (Box 155, Collingswood, NJ, 08108) and request a copy of the most recent RRCUS information packet (enclose $2.00). The Breeder Directory that comes in the packet contains an extensive list of rescue volunteers. _________________________________________________________________ BREEDERS * RRCUS Breeders: The maintainers of this file hope to receive permission to include the entire RRCUS Breeder Directory on line. Until that time, write to Ms. Edna Gilbert (Box 155, Collingswood, NJ, 08108) and request a copy of the most recent RRCUS Breeder Directory. All breeders listed in this directory have sworn to uphold the RRCUS code of ethics. For $2.00 (to cover the cost of postage and printing), Ms. Gilbert will send you the breeder's directory and a packet of information about the breed. This packet and breeder's directory are updated every Spring. * Ridgeback Breeders With Internet Access: A growing number of Ridgeback Breeders have Internet accounts--or accounts on systems that allow e-mail access to the Internet. If you are viewing this file with a WWW browser, use your viewer to browse the Internet breeders' list. If you are reading this file on an ftp archive or in the rec.pets.dogs hiearchy, send e-mail to requesting a copy of the file. * The maintainers of this FAQ make no warranty express or implied with regard to any breeder listed in either item above. It is up to the buyer to ascertain whether or not a particular breeder meets the buyer's standards and needs. * You should feel free to ask a breeder for references. Further, you should expect a responsible breeder, whether a member of RRCUS or not, to exhibit evidence of careful and prudent breeding. + A responsible breeder X-rays the hips of all breeding stock. + A responsible breeder will only use dogs free of hip dysplasia and free of other major health problems as breeding stock. + A responsible breeder will have obtained an OFA certification of clear hips, or an OFA preliminary X-Ray for all breeding stock. (OFA=Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) + A responsible breeder will have you register your puppy with AKC at the time of your purchase. + A responsible breeder will supply you with o your puppy's medical record o a pedigree o an instruction sheet o a small supply of your puppy's current food and water (or instructions where to purchase the puppy's current food) o information about the breed o a guarantee that the dog will be free of hip dysplasia and dermoid sinus and free of vicious propensities if the dog is properly trained and treated. * And be forewarned: A responsible breeder will probably want to determine whether or not you meet his or her standards as a home for a puppy. Just as you may ask a breeder for references, don't be surprised if a breeder asks you for references. BREED CLUBS Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States Office of the Corresponding Secretary Ms. Betty Epperson P.O. Box 121817 Ft. Worth, TX 76121-1817 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States Assistant to the Corresponding Secretary Ms. Edna Gilbert P.O. Box 155 Collingswood, NJ 08108 _________________________________________________________________ Selected Other WWW Links of Interest * Tom Baker's The Visual Ridgeback: Tom is recruiting pictures from RR owners for this page. Access the page for details. * Richard Gordon's Gallery of Ridgeback Rescue Stars (coming soon). Breed Rescue is a very important part of what RRCUS and all the local clubs do. I will scan in pictures of several of the dogs we have helped place in new homes and may include other RR Rescue material here later. * Cindy Tittle Moore's List of canine WWW resources: This page includes pointers to lots of other canine related items--not just the rec.pets.dogs. FAQ files. * Cindy Tittle Moore's rec.pets.dogs FAQ Homepage: This page includes pointers to her list of Canine WWW sites, Breed FAQs, Activity FAQs, Kennel Club FAQs, General Canine FAQs, and Canine Mailing Lists. * Terri Watson's Canine Web: Another excellent collection of canine material, including the Canine-L mailing list archive, Service Dog Info, Iditarod Info, Vet Info, Lost Dogs, and more. * Dennis Martinez's canine site: A new site of canine info, maintained by an RR fancier at Cornell. _________________________________________________________________ AUTHORS AND SOURCES FOR THIS DOCUMENT * Richard Gordon, January 29, 1993, ( * Cindy Tittle Moore, February 15, 1993, ( * David Prager, March 15, 1993, ( * Handouts from the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the U.S. Rhodesian Ridgebacks FAQ currently maintained by Richard Gordon, ( Cindy Tittle Moore, ( Last Content Update: Feb. 1, 1995 Last Format Update: Feb. 1, 1995